The ''QUIET'' refers to the art installation existing as an art intervention of an experiential character in the visual reading and interpretation of an abandoned arcade.
I completed a personal journey in the Anatolis arcade through video, photography and poetic speech. I recorded my emotions within the spaces of the gallery and I created a visual diary where I invent connections between personal experiences and spatial fragments captured by the photographic lens. Every attempt to record the spatial identity of the space is discussed with an experiential comment with a special semantic charge. The space is transformed into a place where the inside is identified with the outside. In the video and the sculptural piece that complements it, a creature that resembles a butterfly << adrift in the wind>> self-destructs, dissolves, trapped in a game of shadows, between the real and the imaginary.

Photographs from the exhibition: Εικαστικές Διαδρομές στη στοά Ανατολής Exhibition | UNIWA | METApolis | 2019 | Athens